

Love Your Lawyer Suit - FLDS Does Not Put Children In Danger

September, 30th 2015 Comments 8338 Views

Last month, TRLA filed a Writ of Mandamus with the Third Court of Appeals in Austin, Texas, on behalf of the mothers, where we argued the state did not follow Texas law when they took these children without providing any evidence that these households wer


HBO Big Love Creators Talk Polygamy

September, 30th 2015 Comments 6136 Views

Scheffer conceded that Olsens research and persistence paid off Hes a great researcher and started to feed me books about something I dont think we really knew a lot about at that time, at all, and it was just intriguing because it was much more complicat


Nevada Father Submits DNA

September, 30th 2015 Comments 5005 Views

A 32-year-old Nevada man drove 1,200 miles with a photo album of his children and said he would provide a DNA sample to Texas authorities Tuesday to prove paternity and get his three sons out of state custody.


Polygamists Moms Fight For Custody Of Kids

September, 30th 2015 Comments 5670 Views

Mothers who had lived at a polygamist compound in Eldorado, Texas, are mounting a campaign to get back their children, who were taken into custody by the state after a raid on the compound earlier this month.


Does Teen Bride At The Center Of Polygamy Case Exist

September, 30th 2015 Comments 7608 Views

Among the hundreds of children, lawyers and caseworkers involved in an unprecedented child custody hearing this morning, one person will be noticeably absent the 16-year-old girl whose call for help set in motion the largest child protection case in U.S.


Who Is Behind The Texas Fdls Raid Fiasco

September, 30th 2015 Comments 7977 Views

At about the same time that Floras frustrations with her lack of success were growing, Warren Jeffs was in the process of building a new FLDS community near the small town of Eldorado, Texas


Raid On Polygamou Sec In Texas Raises Rights Issues

September, 30th 2015 Comments 5654 Views

The ranch near El Dorado was owned and operated by a sect called the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints, an offshoot of the much larger Mormon Church. The offshoot sect practices polygamy, something the Mormons dropped from their religion over a century ago


Help Reduce Child Abuse Legalize Polygamy Now

September, 30th 2015 Comments 5570 Views

Imagine that some parents in a school district were accused of child abuse. Now imagine that the authorities took every child from the elementary, junior high, and high school away from their parents and put them in foster care. Thatâ


60 Questions Going Into Big Loves Finale

September, 30th 2015 Comments 7803 Views

With all due respect to Lost, Philip K Dicks Why Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? and the new tax code in the United States, HBOs Big Love may be the most complicated, convoluted show ever produced by a major network